Program Information
The Anoka Technical College Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) and Broadcast Captioning Certificate is a 16-credit program. The program consists of a core of machine shorthand realtime theory; speedbuilding and accuracy courses; captioning technology and procedures courses; and courses to help students become familiar with the Deaf community. Students use court reporting/captioning software and equipment currently used in industry. The central objective of the CART and Broadcast Captioning Certificate is to train students to write conflict-free machine shorthand on a computer-compatible stenotype machine, utilizing the industry standard realtime translation rate of 98.5 percent verbatim accuracy, or higher, with variable speeds of 180-200 words per minute (wpm).
Program Learning Outcomes
- Write a realtime translation theory.
- Demonstrate competency in English, law/legal terminology, anatomy/medical terminology, captioning technology and procedures, and current events.
- Transcribe a minimum of three (3), (5) five-minute, (2) twovoice, non-realtime tests with a minimum of 97 percent accuracy, dictated at a minimum speed of 225 wpm.
- Transcribe a minimum of three (3), (5) five-minute realtime literary tests with a minimum of 97 percent verbatim accuracy, dictated at a minimum speed of 180 wpm.
- Write three (3), 15-minute realtime literary broadcast material takes at 180 wpm (syllabic and/or word count) at 98.5 percent verbatim accuracy, following NCRA’s What is an Error? guidelines. The instructor will grade a random (5) five-minute selection from each 15-minute take.
- Write two (2), 30-minute class lectures, meeting/seminar programs, or Web cast meeting segments with a goal of 98.5 percent verbatim accuracy, or higher, with variable speeds of 180-200 wpm, following NCRA’s What is an Error? guidelines. The instructor will grade a random (5) five-minute selection from each 30-minute take.
- Participate in an internship consisting of 25 verified hours of actual writing and 15 hours of research and dictionary preparation during the internship experience.
The CART and Broadcast Captioning Certificate was created to meet or exceed National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) standards set out by the Council on Approved Student Education (CASE).
The Judicial Reporting/Broadcast Captioning/CART programs are approved by NCRA. Upon graduation, students will be ready to take the NCRA’s Certified Realtime Reporter (CRC) certification exam. National Court Reporters Association,
Admission Requirements
Concurrent admission to the Judicial Reporting AAS Degree or current employment in the court reporting field with instructor approval.
Program Essentials
Laptop, steno machine, Case CATalyst student software or professional software. Please see instructor for specific requirements before purchasing any equipment. Also see Tuition & Fees for more information.
Program Start Dates
Fall Semester: August
Spring Semester: January
Program Requirements
JRBC 2120 and JRBC 2135 must be completed with a grade of B or higher. All other courses required for this program must be completed with a C or higher.
Faculty Contact
Jennifer Sati: 763-576-4064