2025-2026 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2025-2026 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook

Records & Registration


Anoka Technical College is approved to award Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Students must successfully complete all requirements established by the program and satisfy all requirements established in this policy to graduate from the College.

Graduation Requirements

  • Grade Point Average (GPA): A student must have a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA at the end of the graduating semester. Note that some programs may have additional GPA and/or grading requirements.
  • Graduation Application: A student must apply for graduation on the College website by the established deadline. Students graduating from more than one program, must submit a separate application for each. If a student fails to apply for graduation, Anoka Technical College reserves the right to automatically certify graduation upon verification that all program requirements have been satisfied.
  • Residency: A student must earn a minimum of one third of the credits required for their program through enrollment in Anoka Technical College courses.
  • Time Limits: A student has five years to complete program requirements under the terms of the catalog in effect during their first semester of enrollment in a program. If a student takes more than five years to complete, they may follow any catalog in effect during the five years preceding the date of graduation, so long as they were enrolled during that catalog. Technical courses are valid for five years from completion. Technical courses beyond the five-year limit may be accepted for students who can demonstrate currency and relevancy in the courses.

Certification of Graduation

Upon verification that all program and graduation requirements have been satisfied, the Records Office will certify a student’s graduation from the College by posting a notation on their transcript. If the student has achieved a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA in all Anoka Technical College courses at time of graduation, an additional notation will be posted indicating the student has graduated with honors.

Graduation awards (i.e. diplomas) will be mailed to certified graduates who applied for graduation.

Graduation Ceremony

Students who graduate from the College during a given academic year (ex. Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and Summer 2024) may participate in the graduation ceremony held at the end of spring semester of that academic year (ex. May 2024). Participants must wear a cap and gown.


Students are responsible for registering for (adding), dropping, or withdrawing from courses in their online student account. Students encountering issues with registration, may request assistance from the Records Office.

Adding Courses

Students register for courses through their online student account.

  • For courses that begin during the first week of the term, the registration period lasts through the fifth business day of the term.
  • For courses that begin after the first week of the term, the registration period lasts through the first business day after the scheduled course begin date.

Registration deadlines are published in the online course schedule.

Dropping Courses

Students drop courses through their online student account. Dropped courses do not appear on student records, and students are not financially obligated to pay for them.

  • For courses that begin during the first week of the term, the drop period lasts through the fifth business day of the term. 
  • For courses that begin after the first week of the term, the drop period lasts through the first business day after the course begin date.

Drop deadlines are published in the online course schedule.

Withdrawing from Courses

Students no longer wishing to continue in a course after the drop period has elapsed, are responsible for officially withdrawing through their online student account. A withdrawn course remains as a registered course on the student record with a “W” grade, and the student is financially obligated to pay for it. The deadline to withdraw occurs when 80% of the course meeting dates have elapsed. Withdraw deadlines are published in the online course schedule.

Administrative Drop of Courses

The College reserves the right to drop a student from a registered course without their permission. Reasons the College may drop a student include but are not limited to: a course has been cancelled, the student has not met prerequisites, the student is suspended, the student has an unpaid balance from a prior semester, or the student has not made payment arrangements by the established deadline. The student will be notified via email when they have been administratively dropped from a course.

Administrative Withdrawal from Courses

In accordance with ATC Policy 3.14, the College shall unofficially withdraw a student who never attended or is no longer attending a course by reporting a student’s last date of attendance. An unofficial withdrawal results in the assignment of an “FN” grade for a student who never attended or “FW” grade for a student who stopped attending. A student may update either of these grades to a “W” (official withdrawal) in their online student account through the course withdraw deadline. The student will be notified via email when they have been administratively withdrawn from a course.

Call to Active Duty Withdrawal from Courses

Minnesota State Procedure 5.12.1 provides guidance for students who are members of any branch of the U.S. military and who are unable to complete a semester due to being called to active duty. These students must, to the extent possible, be provided with one of the following options after providing a copy of the call-up papers:

  1. The student may withdraw from one or more courses for which tuition and fees have been paid and be given a full refund of tuition and fees. The student may either receive a retroactive drop from the course(s) or “W” grade(s) with an approved tuition waiver and Military Withdrawal annotation on the student’s record, whichever is deemed in the student’s best interest. A student receiving financial aid who chooses this option must be informed that they may be liable for any required refunds of state or federal financial aid funds.
  2. The student may be given a grade of incomplete in a course and complete it upon release from active duty.
  3. The student may continue and complete the course for full credit. Class sessions missed by the student due to performance of active military service must be counted as excused absences and cannot be used to adversely impact the student’s grade or standing in the class. A passing grade must be awarded if, in the opinion of the faculty member teaching the course, the student has completed sufficient work and has demonstrated sufficient progress toward meeting course requirements to justify the grade.

Registration Limits

Students admitted to the College may register for a maximum of 22 credits per semester. Students may appeal this limit by submitting a Petition to Exceed Maximum Credits Appeal available on the College website.

Visiting students may register for a maximum of 9 credits before they are required to apply to the College for formal admission.

Senior Citizen Registration

Minnesota resident senior citizens, 62 years of age or older, may register for courses on a space-available basis without payment of tuition and activity fees. Senior citizens who are enrolling in courses to receive credit are required to pay an administration fee of $20 per credit plus additional fees as outlined on the College website. Senior citizens who are auditing courses are not required to pay the administrative fee of $20 per credit. Audited courses cannot be used to fulfill graduation requirements.

Senior Citizen Students requesting to enroll under this reduced rate, must submit the Senior Citizen Rate Request form available on the College website. Students must indicated on the request form whether they are enrolling in courses to receive credit or to audit. Approved registrations will be processed the first business day after the first class session. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Anoka Technical College - in accordance with Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Policy 2.9 and Procedure 2.9.1 and federal and state regulations - requires all students to maintain satifactory academic progress in order to enroll at the college and to remain eligible for financial aid.The purpose of this requirement is to encourage all students to progress steadily at a reasonable rate toward graduation. 

Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average and successfully complete 66.67% of all credits attempted to remain in good academic standing. The full Satisfactory Academic (SAP) Policy is available on the College website at: Policy 2.7 Satisfactory Academic Progress.


The transcript serves as the official permanent record of a student’s academic achievements at Anoka Technical College.

Official Transcripts

Official transcripts are issued by the Anoka Technical College Records Office for a small fee. They contain the College seal and the signature of the Registrar. Official transcripts are typically requested by students to prove graduation from a program to a third party (such as an employer or licensing agency) or to transfer coursework to another college or university. Official transcripts may be ordered online through the National Student Clearinghouse website.

Students transferring to another Minnesota State college or university do not need to request official transcripts, as these colleges and universities have access to official transcripts free of charge. 

Unofficial Transcripts

Unofficial transcripts are available to students within eServices free of charge. To access them:

  • Visit anokatech.edu
  • Select eServices from the top navigation bar
  • Log in with Star ID and password
  • Select “Academic Records” from left side menu
  • Select “Unofficial Transcripts
  • Select “Chronological”
  • Select “Get Academic Record”