2025-2026 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2025-2026 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook


Transfer Credit

A student wishing to transfer credits into Anoka Technical College must complete the admissions process, be accepted into a program of study, and have official transcript(s) from non-Minnesota State colleges and universities sent directly to Anoka Technical College’s Records Office. Paper transcripts must delivered in their original sealed envelope with the seal intact. Electronic transcripts must be delivered directly from the sending school through an electronic ordering platform such as National Student Clearinghouse or Parchment. Students transferring from Minnesota State schools do not need to request to have official transcripts sent to ATC, as we have access to those records.

Only those courses that are applicable to a student’s certificate, diploma or degree will be considered for transfer. Anoka Technical College will accept in transfer courses that it determines to be comparable or equivalent to specific courses it offers. The evaluation will be completed according to Minnesota State Board Policies and Procedures and will involve the following three conditions:

  1. Educational quality of the learning experience which the student transfers,
  2. Comparability of the nature, content, and level of the learning experience offered by the receiving college, and
  3. Appropriateness and applicability of the learning experience to the programs offered by the receiving higher education entity in light of the student’s educational goals

Transfer of Technical Courses

Transfer of technical credits will be considered for courses that have been completed within five years prior to application for admission to Anoka Technical College. Students with technical courses which were completed more than five years prior to application should consult with program faculty for options for applicability.

Transfer of Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) and Other General Education Courses

Anoka Technical College will accept all MnTC courses and goal areas as defined by the sending institution. However, there is no guarantee that courses from private and non-Minnesota State institutions will satisfy MnTC courses or goals; such courses are evaluated on an individual basis.

Anoka Technical College will accept courses from other institutions with grades of “D” or higher. While the college will accept grades of “D,” individual departments (due to varying departmental policies regarding acceptable grades for graduation) may not accept them.

Transfer Resources

Transfer Appeal

Students who are dissatisfied withe results of a transfer evaluation may appeal to the College by submitting the Transfer Credit Appeal form available on the College website. Students dissatisfied with the results of a Transfer Credit appeal, may appeal the decision at the system level to the Minnesota State Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs. The decision of the Senior Vice Chancellor is final.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

Anoka Technical College provides degree-seeking students with opportunities to demonstrate competence at the college level from learning gained through learning experiences outside of a college credit-bearing coursework. Credit for prior learning opportunities may include:

  • CPL external assessment types such as AP, IB, CLEP and other National Standardized assessments, world language seals and certificates, industry recognized credentials, licenses, certifications, and noncredit instruction in programs such as apprenticeships, work-based training, continuing education, and customized training.
  • CPL internal college assessment types such as portfolio assessment, interview, skills and/or knowledge demonstration, individualized subject-area assessment, group or seminar assessment, credit by exam, and competency-based assessment.
  • Military course and occupation assessment

Students interested in exploring CPL opportunities may contact the Records Office at registrar@anokatech.edu for additional information. The complete CPL Policy is available on the College website under: Policy 3.17 Credit for Prior Learning.