2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Academic Information


Students are expected to attend and participate in all classes and lab sessions for their registered courses. Student contribution, including expectations for attendance, will be included in the course syllabus, which will be distributed on the first day of the course.

Absenteeism may affect the student’s grade because of missed instruction. Course material and/or tests missed as a result of the student’s absence may be made up at the discretion of the instructor. Students may be placed on a Student Academic Success Plan when absences hinder the student’s academic progress.

Students who register for a class and stop attending or fail to attend without officially dropping or withdrawing will be held responsible for payment and receive a grade for the class:

  • A grade of FN will be recorded for courses a student fails to attend without officially dropping. This grade is assigned as a result of faculty last date of attendance (LDA) reporting.
  • A grade of FW will be recorded for courses in which a student stops attending class without officially withdrawing. This grade is assigned as a result of faculty LDA reporting.

Prior to the course withdrawal deadline, students may log into eServices to change an FN or FW grade to a W (withdrawal). The last date of attendance that was reported by faculty will remain unchanged, so the impact of the LDA on the student’s financial aid award for that semester will remain unchanged as well.

Readmission to Class

A student who has received an FN or FW grade may request re-entry into the course by contacting the course instructor. Readmission to the class is not guaranteed and is at the instructor’s discretion. A student who is readmitted and does not meet the attendance requirements may once again be assigned an FN or FW grade.


  • In-Person Class Attendance: Physically present and active in a classroom.
  • Online Class Attendance: Submission of an assignment or quiz or posting on a discussion board within the course online learning platform.


Student academic performance shall be evaluated solely on the basis of academic standards, including any requirements that are noted in the catalog, course syllabus, or student handbook. Students may review their corrected examinations or other required assignments used by the faculty in evaluating the student’s academic performance.

Grades of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “F”, “P”, “S” and “U” are used in evaluating performance in the classes or major and are given to a student each term.

A - denotes excellent achievement
B - denotes above average achievement
C - denotes average achievement
D - denotes below average achievement
F - denotes unsatisfactory achievement
P - denotes passing achievement
S - denotes satisfactory achievement
U - denotes unsatisfactory achievement
I - denotes incomplete work because of unavoidable circumstances. An incomplete must be made up under a schedule arranged with the instructor within one semester.
IP -denotes a course that is in progress and for which no grade has been assigned. It is only used to exclude ungraded courses from the Satisfactory Academic Progress report.
W -denotes withdrawal from a course during the withdrawal period.
FN -denotes that a student never attended the course but never officially dropped the course.
FW -denotes that a student began attending the course, never completed it, and never officially withdrew from the course.
AU -denotes audit and a student has registered for and attended a class, but did not earn credit.
Z -denotes a course that is active or not reported.

Grade Average Point (GPA)

The following system will be used to determine a student’s grade-point average:

  • A = four grade-points per credit
  • B = three grade-points per credit
  • C = two grade-points per credit
  • D = one grade-point per credit
  • F, FN, FW = zero grade-points per credit
  • AU, I, S, P, U, W, Z, IP = not considered in determining GPA

A student’s GPA is determined by adding all grade-points earned and dividing by the sum of all credits attempted in courses for which grade-points are earned. GPA is calculated on a semester and a cumulative basis. The GPA calculation does not include test-out grades, transfer grades or credit for prior learning.

Incomplete Grades

If a student is passing and misses an examination or fails to turn in a major assignment or project as determined by the instructor, a grade of Incomplete may be given. An incomplete must be made up under a schedule arranged with the instructor. Work not properly made up results in an “I” being changed to an “F” at the end of the following semester. However, incompletes given at the end of spring semester will be changed to an “F” at the end of fall semester if not properly made up, since summer session is excluded.

Prerequisite Courses

If the completion of a course in which the student earns an incomplete is a prerequisite for another course, registration for the subsequent course is at the discretion of the instructor of the second course. This policy does not apply to developmental prerequisites.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat courses for purposes of achieving a higher grade or to review material. All courses and grades earned are reflected on the student transcript. The course that was previously taken is not counted in the GPA calculation but will count as attempted credits for calculation of satisfactory academic progress and financial aid purposes.

Students must register and pay tuition and fees for repeated courses. Test-outs and independent studies are not acceptable means of retaking a failed course.

A student is allowed to repeat a course one time. Failure to successfully complete a course when repeating it will result in being ineligible to re-register for that course. After two attempts, students may petition to repeat a course by submitting an Academic Petition to the Dean of Academic Affairs. If the petition is approved, the Records Office will assist students with registration since students are unable to register for a course through eServices after the second attempt.

Failing to successfully complete a repeated course may exclude the student from certain program majors. In addition, financial aid may not cover the cost of repeated courses, so students are advised to contact the Financial Aid Office before repeating a course.

Policy 3.9 Academic Grade Appeal

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Anoka Technical College and the Minnesota State Board Policy 2.9.1, in compliance with federal and state regulations, require that all students maintain satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of a degree, diploma or certificate in order to be eligible to receive financial aid (including Federal and State work study, loans, grants, and some scholarships) and remain in good academic standing and continue their enrollment. The purpose of this requirement is to encourage all students to progress steadily at a reasonable rate toward graduation. 

Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average and successfully complete 66.67% of all credits attempted to remain in good academic standing. The full Satisfactory Academic (SAP) Policy is available on the College website:

Policy 2.7 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Academic Petition

Students requesting a waiver of an ATC academic policy may submit an Academic Petition form located on the College website. 

Academic Forgiveness

Students requesting forgiveness of previous unsatisfactory grades for courses complete at Anoka Technical College may submit an Academic Forgiveness Petition form location on the College website. The student must meet the conditions listed on the form and contained in the Anoka Technical College Policy 2.11 Academic Forgiveness.

Graduation Requirements

Anoka Technical College is approved to award Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Students must successfully complete all requirements established by the program and satisfy all requirements established in this policy to graduate from the College.

Grade Point Average (GPA): A student must have a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA at the end of the graduating semester. Note that some programs may have additional GPA and/or grading requirements.

Graduation Application: A student must apply for graduation on the College website by the established deadline. Students graduating from more than one program, must submit a separate application for each.

If a student fails to apply for graduation, Anoka Technical College reserves the right to automatically certify graduation upon verification that all program requirements have been satisfied.

Residency: A student must earn a minimum of one third of the credits required for their program through enrollment in Anoka Technical College courses.

Time Limits: A student has five years to complete program requirements under the terms of the catalog in effect during their first semester of enrollment in a program. If a student takes more than five years to complete, they may follow any catalog in effect during the five years preceding the date of graduation, so long as they were enrolled during that catalog.

Technical courses are valid for five years from completion. Technical courses beyond the five-year limit may be accepted for students who can demonstrate currency and relevancy in the courses.